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Monday, February 15, 2010


esok?ntah pape je kan ak ltk tjuk nie..
huhu..xtually nye..as0k la ari yg plg ak tanak lalui skali..
c0z!,kwn2 baik ak da g mara es0k!..wua!
so..it's mean bes0k da xley jmpe dyorg..huhu
sedey-medey seyh ak..
tp,bkan ak sorang je yg sdey..
kwn2ku yg len pown trut sdey coz mereka pnye bestfren pown g mara ugop..
but,i will try t0 face that day as normal..
but!,i knoe it's dfficult...
ase cam x se mai skula jek..
tp tanak la sdey2..bkn xley jmpe da pas nie..
nnt ad mse kte jmpe r op..
oliday nie,ak epi sgt!,coz ak g Gambang Water Park kt kuantan...
best gle ak mnd kt ctu..smpai nak dmam..
batuk2..uhuk2..haziq kte mnd kt ctu r ak jd dmam nie..
ak tnye npe?..dy ckap coz air kt k0lam tu bkn bersih sgt..
ow,bru ak taw..hehe..tp!,dlm cbuk2 oliday,keje skola ak ntah ke mane..
pe na jd la aisyah nie..ish..ad +math ngn peka bio ak x ciap ag..
huh!,mlas bt0l na wat..dush..da la es0k da skola..pastu olhrge pastu exam pastu kne wat spanduk tuk maulidur rasul plop..cbuk btul ak..exam??waa..tkut..ak ready da ke na exm nie? onestly talk,i'm not ready at all!,huhu..cmne na exm nie?..dush..
well,ikt ye r..yg xley jwb ak tnggl..hehe..sng op?..
em,lme suda ak x update blog..cbuk r cti nie..
k r,ad mse ak update ag..bye!
